A few kilometers from Jesolo is the Veneto Design Outlet, with over 80 shops of the best fashion brands, sportswear, home furnishings and cosmetics.
The Veneto Designer Outlet develops around a well-kept main square, decorated in a classic style with a fountain in the center and side arcades, inspired by the most profound Palladian art. Inside, the prestigious brands of world fashion integrate perfectly with the architectural setting full of precious details, mosaics and frescoes inspired by the Venetian villas.
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Via Cigno Bianco 5
30016, Lido di Jesolo
Venice – Italy
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GALLIA SRL di Striuli G. & C. sotto la direzione e coordinamento di Toma srl – Privacy – Cookie
Sede legale: Galleria P. Bortolotto 4 – 30027 San Donà di Piave (VE) Reg. Imprese VE/CF 00296000268 – P.VA 02980500272 – R.E.A. 195386 – Capitale Sociale: € 100.000,00 Int. Vers.
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Codici Identificativi Nazionali: Hotel Gallia IT027019A12GVLGDZN / Gallia Dipendenza IT027019A1HNXFXKQF / Gallia Dipendenza Deluxe IT027019A1HNXFXKQF
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